peter's bookstore

exploring the edges of the extraordinary

stars talk

imagine a star 1,000 light-years away

last updated on 20th january

Imagine a star 1,000 light-years away.

It is not as it seems, not as it is now, but as it once was.

When we meet someone, we do not see them as they are, but as they have been.

We see the echoes, the shadows, and the flickers of memories and emotions that they once carried long before they ever crossed our path.

We may fall for the person they used to be, yet unaware that the version of them we loved may already be vanishing.

And yet, as a star might flicker, fade, or even collapse before its light ever reaches our eyes, there is something pristine in this distance between light and love.

To love is to trust that the glow we see is not an illusion, and that beneath time, something real remains.

That even across the vastness, something burns on.

So when we love, perhaps we are always loving ghosts of light and falling for a brilliance that has traveled far, hoping that when we finally reach it, it will still be shining.

Maybe what we love is not the star itself, but the journey it took to reach us, the light that traveled through time and space to find us here, now.

And maybe that is enough to keep us looking up, to keep us dreaming and hoping, to keep us loving.

Even when the stars have long since gone out.